Current Cases

Currently, Samuelson Law is working on cases involving, among other things, the following issues or procedural problems:

  1. Can a purportedly non-binding letter of intent ever have any binding effects?
  2. Issues, in bankruptcy, particular to a debtor that is an LLC.
  3. Title problems that only a bankruptcy court has the power to resolve favorably.
  4. Cycling between bankruptcy court, and a foreclosure or a landlord/tenant court.
  5. The critical differences between a ground lease and a space lease, especially where the tenant wants construction financing.
  6. The critical provisions for the lease in a sale-leaseback.
  7. Piercing LLCs’ “corporate” veils.
  8. Spousal defenses.
  9. Pros and cons of a sublease vs. an assignment of a lease?
  10. The risks of a Chapter 11 being involuntarily converted to a Chapter 7.

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